Saturday, December 26, 2009

I heard a story once about 6 blind men trying to describe an elephant. As each one gave his description, it was clear and accurate. However each description was very different from the others. One had gripped the tail and described the elephant as a snake, another, the leg and said that the elephant was like a large tree trunk. Still another touched the ear and said the elephant was like a large leafy thing. Wow! How could this be, that they were all describing the same animal, but be so different in their perceptions?

Sometimes we are like those blind men when it comes to understanding God. Our point of view, education, or place in life may make our understanding very different from another's. But the amazing thing about this situation is, we are NOT describing an elephant! Instead God Himself describes himself for us! Not only in a general way through nature and all of creation, but in a very specific way through His word, the Bible, and in the Person of His Son Jesus Christ! Therefore, we are not at the mercy of our incompetence! If we are truly open to receiving what God has to say about Himself and all other truth, then we are truly able to understand what it is He wants us to know!

Of course, because we are flawed by our own weak minds and sinful nature, we are really only "scratching the surface" of a full understanding of all God is, and wants for us. So. let us "scratch the surface" together in this blog, keeping in mind that God's Word is our final authority and not our own opinions or meager interpretations.